HMRC for tax payments after failed time to pay deals?
Has the tax man threatened winding up petitions or bankruptcy petitions?
Cashflow pressures mounting?
Bank reducing advances or covenants being breached?
Work in progress rising and debtors not paying?
Worried about personal risk or guarantees?
Market changes ahead – is the LSA a threat?
Solicitors Regulation Authority? Is the risk of intervention mounting?
As the author and strategists behind the first company voluntary arrangement (CVA) for a LLP law firm in 2008, we know a thing or two about fixing these problems, setting out a recovery plan and driving the business forward. We are currently advising 5 law firms on how to restructure for survival.
Remember, you are in business to make money, not running a practice as a hobby. Those who fall into the latter category should click away now! This page and our guides are dedicated to helping you move forward and removing pressure. With the LSA driving huge changes in your marketplace are you and your colleagues prepared to meet the challenges of turnaround AND the changes ahead?
We will help you distill all of these problems and the options available into a recovery plan. It will set out the preferred non insolvency route and a one or two pronged back up approach.
It is advisable to take the personal emotional worries out of this process and look at the options carefully and fully. Our restructuring and corporate recovery experts will help you each step of the way. If you want to you can talk directly to our company secretary, Professor Grant Jones who is an insolvency lawyer.
Read our case study on how we helped an insolvent law firm.
First of all what is your trading style
Keith Steven talks to the Telegraph about the issues facing struggling law firms and how they can be helped
Click here to view article
Over the years Keith Steven has put together the most comprehensive guides to insolvency mechanisms available. These guides contain information on when they may be be applicable, what the procedures are, case studies and how they may impact on the company and its directors.
Over the years Keith Steven has put together the most comprehensive guides to insolvency mechanisms available. These guides contain information on when they may be be applicable, what the procedures are, case studies and how they may impact on the company and its directors.